
Meeting in person and Virtually 

TEN new brothers are now Scottish Rite. Regular Meeting takes place on the Third Friday of every month.
Notable Points: 
  • Rite Care Doing well and had a Halloween event for their customers of the center.
  • Roof repairs are complete and being finalized. 
  • November is the Cap and Ring ceremony plus election of officers for the 2022 year.
  • Roger Buterbaugh will be taking over the General Secretary position when Tony McCool Resigns in the next few months.

Get Involved

Donate to Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus

Click here to donate to the Valley of Columbus.

Donate to RiteCare

Click here to donate to our Autism Learning Center in Columbus Sponsored by RiteCare.

Contact us

Please provide your contact information and a brief message. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Ill. James D. Cole, 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander 
& SGIG at-Large

Principal officer of the Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, which is comprised of 217 Valleys in 35 Orients. Scottish Rite Masons in Japan and Korea, and Taiwan and China are also included within the scope of his authority.

Ill. Ted C. Collins, 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General for Georgia

Not only is he the Leader of the Scottish Rite in Georgia but he is also a member of the Shrine, York Rite and several other masonic bodies in Georgia. Notably Ted is a Past Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in GA. 

Joseph F. Oelgoetz, 
32° KCCH
Personal Representative 
to the SGIG

Brother Oelgoetz is a perpetual member of Columbian Lodge #7. He was also District Deputy to the Grand Master for two years and former Chairman to the Executive Committee for our Valley.

Ill. Doyle Ray Hatfield, 33°
Personal Representative 
to the SGIG

Brother Hatfield is a perpetual member of five masonic lodges. He was also District Deputy to the Grand Master for eleven years and Past Right Eminent Grand Commander of Georgia.

About us

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is commonly known as the Scottish Rite. It is one of the several appendant bodies of the worldwide fraternity known as Freemasonry that a Master Mason can join. Each Valley has up to four Scottish Rite bodies, and each body confers a set of degrees. 
In the Southern Jurisdiction, these are the Lodge of Perfection (4°–14°), Chapter of Rose Croix (15°–18°), Council of Kadosh (19°–30°), and the Consistory (31°–32°). The Supreme Council confers the 33rd Degree of Sovereign Grand Inspector General.

Pay your dues, all in one place

Online Now

Go to my.scottishrite.org - login - pay by Credit Card 

By Mail

Send your payment to PO Box 727, Columbus, GA 31902

Give to the General Secretary at the next meeting.

This is the best way because we get to see you. Come to Scottish Rite on the third Friday at 6:30 pm and hand your payment to the Secretary. He can also take a Credit Card at the office.

What are we doing?

Schedule of Events

Our Regular Meeting takes place on the Third Friday of every month. The social starts at 6 p.m., Dinner is at 6:30, and the meeting beginning at 7:30.
  • November – Cap and Ring Ceremony and Officer Elections 
  • December - Christmas Program and Installation of Officers.
  • January - Burns Night presented by the Knights of St Andrew.


We create programs for our members. There are a variety of different programs such as Christmas, Robert Burn's Night, Feast of Tishri, Remembrance and Renewal, and many others.
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Degree Work

A Scottish Rite degree can offer a new reflection each time it is performed or observed. The lessons are taught through parables in the form of plays, allowing Masons the opportunity to bond through theater, stage work, costuming, makeup, set design and musical activities. Cast members present the lessons, which are taken from Biblical and modern historical events, to candidates who learn from observing the performances.
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Scottish Rite ROTC & JROTC Programs

Recognizing youth enrolled in the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) and ROTC for students in college. Their scholastic excellence and patriotic Americanism efforts qualify them for this award. The award consists of a medal, ribbon and a certificate suitable for framing.
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Click below for the Scottish Rite of Georgia 

Georgia Website Link

Click below for the Scottish Rite of the Southern Jursidiction 

SR Website Link

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